6 Major Advantages of a Low Pitch Roof

What makes a roof unique? Is it the shape, style, or color?

One of the most notable features of a roof is its pitch. The pitch of the roof refers to its steepness. A steeper roof has a higher pitch and a flatter roof has a lower pitch.

The purpose of the roof pitch is to encourage water, from rain or melting snow, to flow off the roof and prevent pooling. Even the roofs that appear completely flat, also known as a low pitch roof, have some slope to them to ensure water flows off of them. Others have unique methods to prevent the water from pooling.

If you look at today’s modern roofs on both residential and commercial buildings, you’ll find many of these buildings have a low pitch roof. This roof style offers several great advantages that make them ideal for your home or business.

Here are 6 great reasons why you should take advantage of a low pitch roof for your home. You, too, will want to improve the look and feel of your home with a low pitch roof.

What Is a Low Pitch Roof?

The pitch of a roof is the measurement used to define its steepness. A low pitch roof has a rise of about one to three inches per foot. Steep pitched roofs will rise at a much greater rate, often 4 or more inches per foot.

For years, you’d only find low-sloped roofs on commercial buildings. Many people believed a low-sloped roof required greater maintenance and offered little to no benefits.

Today, that’s changing due to the contemporary aesthetics and the benefits low pitch roof materials and technology offer.

1. Improved Heating and Cooling

A low pitch roof improves the heating and cooling of a building. This cuts energy costs and helps your building or home be more environmentally friendly.

High pitch roofs or steep slope roofs are not the best options for optimizing the heating and cooling of your home or building. Steep roofs have spaces, like an attic, between the ceiling of the top floor and the roof. This hollow space requires heating and cooling in addition to the rest of the building.

The absence of this attic space in a building with a low pitch roof makes heating and cooling your home much easier. Some homes with a low pitch roof, however, may have a small attic space for running HVAC. Overall, this is still easier to heat and cool compared to a high pitch roof.

2. Easier Maintenance of Low Pitch Roofing Materials

Have you ever needed to make repairs on a steep roof? Low pitch roofs are easier to maintain because they’re safer and easier to access. Depending on the angle of the slope, you or a roofing specialist might need less safety gear and equipment to repair a low pitch roof.

While you may have a limited selection of low pitch roofing materials, these materials are more durable and long-lasting than shingles and other materials. The best roofing material for a low pitch roof today is TPO or thermoplastic polyolefin. This material is incredibly durable resisting high heat, intense rain, and some hail.

3. Low Installation Costs

Since low pitch roofs tend to be slightly flatter, they have less surface area than steep pitch roofs. Less surface area means you’ll need fewer materials to cover the roof.

The labor costs for low pitch roofs also cost less as they’re easier to access and safer to work on. Constructing a low pitch roof is easier and more cost-effective because most low slope roofs don’t require trusses. This saves time and eliminates the need for additional materials.

4. Compatible With Solar Power

Both commercial and residential building owners are looking for ways to make their buildings greener and more energy-efficient. Low pitch roofs are compatible with many of today’s green energy, such as solar panels.

Low pitch roofs offer a greater amount of space for home and building owners to install solar panels. The flatter angle of the roof also allows more sunlight to hit the solar panels.

Most solar panels require a flat surface for mounting. A flatter surface will allow the solar panels to move with the sun to optimize light absorption and produce more energy.

A steep pitch roof has limited space and prevents the sun from hitting all sides of the roof. This steepness can further limit the areas where you can install solar panels. Most solar panels are not compatible with steep roofs or won’t function to their full potential.

5. Less Wasted Space

Many houses and buildings with steep pitch roofs have wasted space. While some of these spaces can become functioning attics, many are too small or too weak to support storage or people.

When this happens, it leads to wasted space. The addition of this space to accommodate a steeper roof can cause construction and installation costs to rise. As mentioned above, this space requires additional heating and cooling, especially if it’s not properly insulated.

Low pitch roofs eliminate the need for awkward angles commonly found in the top floors or attics. A flatter roof will maximize the amount of interior space. Homeowners can enjoy a more versatile space without having to work around odd angles or low ceilings.

6. A Contemporary Style

Do you enjoy the look of sleek modern homes? If yes, you’ll find many of today’s contemporary homes boast low sloped roofs that appear nearly flat.

Much of today’s architecture uses strong bold lines and shapes. This includes the horizontal appearance of a low pitch or flatter roof.

Some individuals will take contemporary style and visual impact one notch further by adding a green roof. A green roof or living roof is like a garden that grows on top of your roof. It requires additional low pitch roofing services and materials but offers plenty of benefits.

Improve the Look of Your Home With a Low Pitch Roof

A low pitch roof offers several practical benefits that many homeowners often overlook. Despite their sleek modern looks, a low pitch roof is an environmentally friendly option that will save you money over time.

Is your roof in need of maintenance or replacing? Contact us for a free inspection! We’d love to help you with all your roofing needs.

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